About us

Plásticos Karey S.A., your ideal partner in the plastic conversion industry

Plásticos Karey S.A. belongs to the Grupo Karey. Since 1989 it has been engaged in manufacturing plastic compounds (PVC, EVA, TPE-V, TPE-S, SBS) for use in both extrusion and injection-moulding processes for various sectors.

Our products are designed to meet the specific needs of each of our customers.

Production capacity of over 20000 tonnes per year and the quality of our service and products (certified by the ISO 9001 Standard) make Plásticos Karey an ideal partner in the plastic conversion industry.

Manufacture of plastic compounds for all kinds of industries

  • PVC
  • EVA
  • TPE-V
  • TPE-S
  • SBS

Over 30 years specialised in manufacturing plastic compounds for all kinds of industries.
